Description / Nature of the product:
Water based adhesive.

Application by:
Spray gun, roller machine, brush.

Ideal for coupling and folding leather, eco-leather, fabrics, covers, cardboards, for producing belts, uppers, bags, wallets, heels, orthopedic insoles and for assembling insoles. Excellent adhesivity on greasy leather.

Instructions for use:
Apply on both sides, let it dry, couple within 30 min. and press. If the open time is exceeded, reactivate at 60°C, couple and press.

Open Time:
Gluing without pre-heating: 30 min. after the adhesive is dried. Reactivation at heat: within 48 hours.

If the open time is exceeded, bonding can be made after having warmed up at 60°C the material to bond.

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